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Pastor, Teacher, Discipler and Author Bob Russell first published this article on Sunday, July 2.  We appreciate his ministry and his writings and though this would be of particular interest to you.  Enjoy!


“…with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”  Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776


Risking execution as traitors, the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence courageously etched their names on the founding document of the United States, knowing the success of their new nation required “a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.” While not perfect men, most of the signers believed in God and held to the promise that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance” (Psalm 33:12).


“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity” (John Adams Letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813).


America was not established as a theocracy, yet our founders established a government based on Godly principles. John Adams, the United States’ second president, wrote, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” That is why our forefathers often referred to their country as “This favored land.”


Just months into the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army seemed destined for defeat when George Washington’s army of 9,000 was about to be overwhelmed by 20,000 British troops. The British forces were reinforced by heavily armored ships at the mouth of the East River, blocking any possible escape.


However, as night fell, it began to rain and slowed the British advance, allowing the Continental Army time to attempt to escape. Washington had his troops set campfires to trick the British into thinking they were still encamped while the troops quietly crossed the East River. However, as the sun began to rise, the Continental Army was still making their escape across the river, and they feared the British troops would discover them. Yet an incredibly dense fog rolled in, and the troops remained hidden. One soldier reported that the fog was so thick “you couldn’t see more than 20 feet away.”  The New England Chronicle designated the maneuver “a masterpiece and a sign that “Providence favored us.”


“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.” – President George Washington


When General Washington was later elected the nation’s first President, he stated in his inaugural address on April 30, 1789, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.”


Respected historian David McColloch wrote, in his book, “1776 – a documentary of the Revolution”, “Incredibly, yet again, circumstances, fate, luck, Providence, the Hand of God, as would be said so often, intervened.”


Michael Medved, an orthodox Jew, recently authored a best-selling book, “The American Miracle- Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic.”  The flyleaf of that book reads, “The history of the United States displays an uncanny pattern. At moments of crisis, when the odds against success seem overwhelming, and disaster looks imminent, fate intervenes to provide deliverance and progress. Historians may categorize these incidents as happy accidents, callous crimes, or the product of brilliant leadership, but the most notable leaders of the past 400 years have identified this good fortune as something else – a reflection of divine providence.”


Before you scoff at such claims as mere coincidences, dismiss them as “naïve nationalism,” or point out America’s disgraceful flaws, ask yourself the following questions:


What other nation was founded by people whose stated purpose was “… for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”? (Mayflower Compact – 1620).


What other nation has “endowed by their creator” written in its charter?


What other Revolutionary army has a memory of its general on his knees in the snow?


What other founders stopped in their initial deliberations to conduct a prayer meeting?


What other nation has a Bible verse inscribed on its Liberty Bell to commemorate its hard-fought freedom?


What other economy has “In God we trust” stamped on its currency?


What other nation has “freedom of religion” as the first of its bill of rights?


What other capital has “To God be the glory!” etched at the top of its tallest monument?


What other pledge of allegiance has “Under God” as a part of its vow of loyalty?


What other military included a New Testament in the packet of essentials given to each soldier entering World War II?


What other sports arenas resound with “God bless America” during the 7th-inning stretch?


The United States of America has a unique spiritual heritage. There is a reason it became the richest, the freest, and the most envied nation in the world. God honored His promise, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”  Candace Owens, author, and political commentator, recently stated, “You know you live in a great country when the people who absolutely despise it refuse to leave.”

That doesn’t make Americans superior to anyone, but it should make us more grateful than everyone. To believe that America has been a favored land is not nationalism; it’s an awareness of our blessings and a tribute to the One who is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

There is also a reason why America is currently struggling with division and despair. The same Scripture that promises a blessing to those who honor God warns of disaster for those who forget Him.  “The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God.”  (Psalm 9:17 KJV)  We have forgotten “from whom all blessings flow” and turned our backs on God and His word. As a result, God’s hand of blessing is being withdrawn, and it appears we are on the verge of divine judgment.


But there is still one hope. God’s promise is still valid, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:17).


if God had spared Sodom and Gomorrah for ten righteous people, perhaps if 10% of believers would genuinely humble themselves, repent of sin, and turn to Him, He will once again hear from heaven and miraculously heal our land.


Just as He rescued Israel from entrapment at the Red Sea, just as He rescued the Continental army from certain disaster on Long Island, He can once again rescue us from impending disaster and enable us to pass along to our children and grandchildren, “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”